Our Council and Expert Panels

ACE Council

The ACE Council was formed as an advisory body to steer the Agency’s development to drive appropriate healthcare in Singapore. Led by an eminent senior clinician, the Council comprises well-respected senior medical specialists and professionals across a range of disciplines.

The combined expertise and experience of Council members in medicine, research and academia, health economics, legal, social policy and government policy, present a holistic perspective to guide the Agency's development.

The Council's terms of reference:

  1. To advise the Ministry on the development of initiatives to promote the use of evidence-based, safe and cost-effective medicines in public hospitals and institutions (PHIs).
  2. To develop strategies to harmonise formulary drugs across PHIs where appropriate and to facilitate timely listing of subsidised drugs.
  3. To advocate appropriate use of medicines by:
    • promoting the use of generic alternatives (including biosimilars) of medicines, where available;
    • working collaboratively with stakeholders to influence appropriate use of medicines in the PHIs (including compliance with ACE Guidance, where available);
    • facilitating the sharing of national drug utilisation data to provide PHIs with appropriate benchmark for reviewing each PHI’s practices.

Professor Chee Yam Cheng (since May 2016)


  • Senior Advisor, National Healthcare Group
Ms Tan Yee Peng (since May 2016)
  • Chartered Accountant
Dr Daphne Khoo (since May 2016)

(Ex Officio)

  • Executive Director, Agency for Care Effectiveness
Dr Wong Tien Hua (since May 2016)
  • Director, Mutual Healthcare Pte Ltd, Singapore
  • Past President - Singapore Medical Association
Professor Toh Han Chong (since
Aug 2019)
  • Deputy Medical Director (Strategic Partnerships) and Senior Consultant, National Cancer Centre Singapore
Adjunct Associate Professor Tan Tze Lee (since Aug 2019)
  • President, College of Family Physicians Singapore
  • Senior Partner, The Edinburgh Clinic
  • Adjunct Associate Professor in Family Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
Associate Professor Lita Chew (since Aug 2019)
  • Head of Pharmacy Department, National Cancer Centre Singapore 
Associate Professor Suresh Sahadevan (since Aug 2019)
  • Senior Consultant, Departments of General Medicine and Geriatric Medicine, Tan Tock Seng Hospital 
Ms Margaret Lee (since Aug 2019)
  • Chief Nurse, Alexandra Hospital
Ms K Thanaletchimi (since Aug 2019)
  • President, NTUC Central Committee
  • President, Healthcare Services Employees’ Union (HSEU)
Assistant Professor Jean Liu (since Aug 2019)
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor, NUS Centre for Sleep and Cognition
  • Former Assistant Professor, Division of Social Sciences (Psychology), Yale-NUS College
Ms Ho Moon Shin (since Aug 2022)
  • Senior Director, Media Division, MCI
  • Press Secretary to Deputy Prime Minister & Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies
Associate Professor Alan Ng Wei Keong
(since Aug 2022)
  • Master, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
  • Senior Consultant, Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
  • Clinical Director, Medical Ambulatory Centre, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Ms Chang Sook Mei (Since Aug 2022)
  • Director, Group Office of Patient Experience, SingHealth
  • Director, Office of Patient Experience, Changi General Hospital


International Advisory Panel

The International Advisory Panel (IAP) plays a critical advisory role for ACE as we develop, review and implement our various workstreams such as conducting health technology assessments (HTA), publishing healthcare guidances and providing education to support providers, patients and payers make better-informed decisions about patient care. The key aim is to achieve cost-effective and appropriate healthcare in Singapore. The Panel will also offer global perspectives which will help us keep abreast with relevant developments and initiatives internationally. IAP members are appointed for a three-year term starting from 1 Mar 2023 to 28 Feb 2026.


The IAP’s terms of reference are to advise ACE on the following areas:


1.     Critique, recommend improvements and advise on ACE’s methods and processes, workplan and initiatives to keep abreast with international best practices. This can include drug and medical technology evaluation methods and processes, manufacturer submission’s methods and process manual, and guidance development methods and processes;

2.     Provide insights on emerging trends and developments in HTA, and/or guidance development and evidence implementation;

3.     Share approaches to guide Singapore’s implementation efforts to build capabilities in HTA, guidance development and execution of evidence-based practice; conduct training for ACE staff; and assist to coordinate training for ACE staff in these areas when required, including recommending trainers to provide training for ACE;

4.     Connect ACE to international networks in the areas of HTA, guidance development and/or evidence implementation; and

5.     Provide mentorship to ACE staff for areas such as HTA, guidance development, evidence implementation, human resource development, strategic communications and use of information technology to develop internal competencies within ACE for further organisational growth, as well as support putting in place best practices for the long-term organisational needs of ACE.

Current IAP Members

Prof Terry Campbell (since Mar 2021)
  • Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney), Australia
  • Chair, Medical Devices and Human Tissue Advisory Committee (MDHTAC)
  • Emeritus Consultant Physician, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney.
Sarah Fitt (since Mar 2021)
  • Chief Executive, Pharmaceutical Management Agency (Pharmac), New Zealand
Prof Mark Jit (since Aug 2019)
  • Professor of Vaccine Epidemiology and Head of Department, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Faculty of Epidemiology & Population Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom
Sudha Kutty (since Mar 2023)
  • Executive Vice-President of Evidence, Products, and Services, Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH), Canada

Prof Nicholas Latimer (since Mar 2021)
  • Professor of Health Economics, School of Health & Related Research, The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
  • Member, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Decision Support Unit
  • Member, NICE Technology Appraisal Committee B (2018-2022)
  • Member, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Health Science Policy Council (2020-2022)
Prof Tracy Merlin (since Mar 2019)
  • Professor of Health Technology Assessment and Interim Head, School of Public Health, University of Adelaide, Australia
  • Managing Director, Adelaide Health Technology Assessment (AHTA)
  • Chair, Board of the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA)
  • Chair, English Editorial Board, International HTA Glossary

Prof Zachary Munn (since Sep 2023)
  • Director, Health Evidence Synthesis, Recommendations and Impact (HESRI), School of Public Health, The University of Adelaide, Australia
  • Director, JBI Adelaide GRADE Centre
  • Chair, Guidelines International Network (GIN)
Dr Sam Roberts (since Mar 2023)
  • Chief Executive, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), United Kingdom
Prof Debra Rowett (since Apr 2020)
  • Discipline Leader Pharmacy: External Relations, UniSA Clinical and Health Sciences, University of South Australia
  • Director, Drug and Therapeutics Information Service (DATIS), Southern Adelaide Local Health Network
  • President, Council of Pharmacy Schools: Australia and New Zealand
  • Member, National Drug Utilisation Sub-Committee of Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC)
Prof Tim Shaw (since Apr 2020)
  • Professor of Digital Health and Director of Research in Implementation Science and eHealth (RISe), Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Australia
  • Research Leader, Digital Health Cooperative Research Centre
Prof Allan Wailoo (since Mar 2019)
  • Professor of Health Economics, School of Health & Related Research, The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
  • Director, National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) Decision Support Unit
  • Co-Director, National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Policy Research Unit in Economic Methods of Evaluation in Health and Social Care Interventions

Prof Andrew Wilson (since Mar 2019)
  • Co-Director, Menzies Centre for Health Policy and Economics, School of Public Health, The University of Sydney, Australia
Prof Robyn Ward (since Mar 2017)
  • Executive Dean and Pro Vice-Chancellor, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Australia
  • Chair, Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC)
  • Member, Board of the Australian Red Cross Lifeblood
  • Non-Executive Director, Telstra Health
  • Honorary Medical Officer (Oncology), Westmead Hospital, Sydney
Prof Jonathan Craig (from Mar 2017 to Feb 2021 and since May 2024)

  • Vice President & Executive Dean, College of Medicine and Public Health, Flinders University, Australia
  • Chair, Commonwealth Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC)
  • Honorary Consultant, Paediatric Nephrology, Women’s and Children’s Hospital Adelaide

Former IAP members

Meindert Boysen

Member from Mar 2019 - Feb 2023

  • Former Deputy Chief Executive and Director, Centre for Health Technology Evaluation, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), United Kingdom
Prof Ron Goeree

Member from Mar 2017 - Feb 2019

  • Professor Emeritus, McMaster University, Canada
Prof Carole Longson

Member from Mar 2017 - Feb 2019

  • Former Director, Centre for Health Technology Evaluation, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), United Kingdom
Suzanne McGurn

Member from Mar 2021 - Feb 2023

  • President and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Agency for Drugs & Technologies in Health (CADTH), Canada
Dr Brian O’Rourke

Member from Mar 2019 - Feb 2021

  • Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Agency for Drugs & Technologies in Health (CADTH), Canada
Prof Paul Scuffham

Member from Mar 2017 - Feb 2019

  • Director, Centre for Applied Health Economics, Griffith University, Australia
Prof Mark Sculpher

Member from Mar 2017 - Feb 2019

  • Professor, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, United Kingdom
Prof Ken Stein

Member from Mar 2019 - Feb 2021

  • Professor of Public Health, College of Medicine and Health, University of Exeter, United Kingdom
Prof Per Olav Vandvik

Member from Apr 2020 - Feb 2023

  • Chief Executive Officer, MAGIC Evidence Ecosystem Foundation, Norway

ACE Consumer Panel 

The ACE Consumer Panel plays an important role in providing strategic advice to ACE and its MOH advisory committees on opportunities to strengthen engagement efforts which meet the needs of patients, carers, and the public and ensure their views are effectively used to inform ACE’s work. The Panel comprises individuals from local patient organisations who represent a broad range of health conditions and have extensive lived experiences engaging with the Singapore healthcare system. Current Panel members have been appointed for a 2-year term from 1 Apr 2024 to 31 Mar 2026. 


The Panel’s terms of reference:

  1. Foster effective collaboration between ACE and local patient organisations;
  2. Provide patient and/or societal perspectives to inform ACE’s initiatives to improve health literacy and encourage the appropriate use of health technologies;
  3. Provide guidance on best practices that ACE can use to collect information on patients’ views and experiences;
  4. Champion ACE’s work and encourage meaningful patient involvement in HTAs;
  5. Support ACE to promote greater public understanding of HTA processes and continuously improve how patients and carers are involved in ACE’s work;
  6. Review the format, content, and proposed communication strategies of ACE’s educational resources so that they meet the needs of patients, carers, and the public; and
  7. Provide guidance on opportunities to strengthen engagement with patients and the public across ACE’s different workstreams.


The members of the ACE Consumer Panel and their key appointments in their respective patient organisations are listed below.

Adjunct Professor Lau Tang Ching


  • Chairperson, The National Arthritis Foundation 
Dr Ritu Jain


  • President, Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association (DEBRA), Singapore & DEBRA International
Dr Kalpana Bhaskaran
  • Advisor, Diabetes Singapore
Ms Magdalene Chia
  • Lead, Caring Hearts Support Group, National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • Patient Partner, NUHS Family & Patient Partners, NUHS Patient Advocacy & Support Office
Ms Tracy Gan
  • Director, Contact Centre, Service Leadership & Patient Relations and Volunteer Corporate Office, National Healthcare Group Polyclinics
Mr Ellil Mathiyan Lakshmanan
  • Co-Founder & President, Ostomy Association of Singapore
  • Mentor, SingHealth Patient Advocacy Network
Ms Melissa Lim
  • President, Brain Tumour Society (Singapore)
Mr Mark Lin
  • Head of Department, Psychosocial Services, Singapore Cancer Society
Ms Josie Liow
  • Co-Chair, SingHealth Patient Advocacy Network
Dr Ong Kian Chung
  • Founder & President, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Association (Singapore)
Mr Kenneth Mah
  • Vice President, Rare Disorders Society (Singapore)
Ms Peng Hai Ying
  • Chief Executive Officer, Children’s Cancer Foundation
Dr Lydia Seong
  • Chief Executive Officer, Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation
Ms Ai Ling Sim-Devadas
  • Deputy Director, Office of Patient Engagement, NTU Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
  • Mentor, SingHealth Patient Advocacy Network
  • Member, Global Patient and Family Advisory Board, The Beryl Institute
Ms Sherry Soon
  • Founder, Autoimmune Diseases Singapore
Dr Rayner Tan
  • Chairperson and Director, The Greenhouse Community Services Ltd
  • President, Project X Society
  • Co-Lead, SG Mental Health Matters
Ms Nidhi Swarup
  • Founding Chair, Alliance of Patients’ Organizations Singapore
  • Founder and President, Crohn’s and Colitis Society of Singapore
Dr Shamala Thilarajah
  • President, Singapore National Stroke Association